News from Mufindi, Tz to September 2022

HALIMA UPDATE: She has recovered really well from her surgery and skin graft in Moshi, Northern Tanzania late 2021. Well done Halima, you have come a long way and a huge thanks for her care at the ICV. To read Halima’s brief history please click on this link:

PREMATURE BABY: This is little Helena who arrived prematurely, weighing 1kg on 24th May 2022, shown here with her aunt. Our Milk Powder Program has saved her life as mama was unable to provide sufficient milk for her. She has been monitored regularly and on 9th August, she weighed 4.5 kgs. Her family has done well getting her to this stage as there are no facilities for these tiny babies in Mufindi.


Having fun with new balls some visitors brought for the ICV, Hezron too, he always enjoys playing ball. Thank you!

YAM PROJECT – Youth Agency Mufindi: Five Mechanical students have joined the YAM project familiarising themselves with insides of an engine.

  • Three day Training of 170 caregivers in disability issues and highlighting the taboos surrounding the ‘invisible disabled’.

  • Assessment of older disabled youth for Rehab needs, some of whom will attend the program for employment of disabled.

  • The next 2 events were a conference and youth event which was held on 22nd and 23rd September with the dual aim of highlighting the livelihood impacts from teenage pregnancies and also HIV awareness.

  • Once the report comes in from the latest disabled assessment (they followed up on previous batches of disabled children who already underwent Rehab this and last year at the same time as the Disabled Youth) then we will know what the Rehab requirements are.

  • The boy who is suffering from  gangrene legs is still in hospital, the medical team is still working very hard to save them.
    The conference speeches have English subtitles.  During the speech, breeding was mentioned, this was mistranslated from what should have been livestock keeping!

  • A song about life without HIV is possible:
     Young people describe how the YAM project benefits them:

IGODA CLINIC EXTENSION, plus the medical staff accommodation is progressing very well now.  With great appreciation to our very generous Belgium sponsor who is going to visit Mufindi mid October, with his grandson, to see this extension for themselves.

Thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot to the children and us all in Mufindi
Please contact us if you would like ay further information

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The much needed Igoda Clinic maternity extension and living quarters for visiting medical staff in Mufindi, Tz., is coming along well, the roof trusses are almost complete.  Progress is not as fast as FCWC (Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation) would have liked due to the difficulty in obtaining dry timber for the roof. The corrugated roofing sheets will take no time and enable the interior walls and floors to be cemented – followed by ceiling boards, doors and windows.  This extension is being generously funded by a donor in Belgium.  

VOLUNTEERS MIA AND LEO: We said goodbye and a big thank you to Mia and Leo for volunteering for three months at the ICV Kindergarten.      


We also said our farewells to ELLA HIRSIAHO thanking her for all the hand knitted knitwear, hats, toys, shoes, sunglasses etc. donated by her and many friends in Finland

THE YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi) PROJECT:    Achievements so far: The Agricultural skills & mindset training for last year of 80 vulnerable and disabled youngsters received Psychosocial training and Entrepreneurship training, this included – This year, the next 100 youths received Psychosocial 15 days training in Feb, followed by 10 days Entrepreneurship training, followed by 10 days Agricultural training + 3 days mindset training . At the beginning of June, 2 piglets were distributed to each of the 100 Youngsters on a revolving scheme.             

They have just had INUKA (INUKA Southern Highlands CBR is a Rehabilitation Hospital) assessing rehabilitation needs for the next 31 Disabled children who will go into Rehab soon. 17 children have already received rehabilitation and treatment last year. In the meantime, an SOS was received for a 14yr old Epileptic who had severely ulcerated feet requiring possible amputation due to gangrene. He is in INUKA hospital now for the next 28 days while they try to save his legs by curing the gangrene and dressing the wounds every day.

22 sewing machines were delivered in June and the tables were assembled within a couple of days, these treadle tables came in flat packs   

Students then started to receive 10 days of tailor training; others started their 15 days Mechanics training. Then all 180 youth (last and this cohort) will be placed as apprentices for 5 months e.g. with tailors, motorcycle mechanics, carpenters, masons etc
Later this year we will be conducting care giver’s training and providing support for older disabled youngsters wanting employment.*YAM PROJECT *Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation’s (FCWC) Youth Agency in Mufindi,  is  funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation Institute (HDI) in Finland, designed to help vulnerable and disabled children solve life issues enabling them to lead dignified lives and to help take control of their lives through improved motivation, skills and opportunities.  FCWC are working with the UoI – (University of Iringa) and TAPCAP (Tanzanian Association for Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists) to help FCWC by providing expertise in assessing needs, psychosocial support, and the training of trainers while at the same time INUKA (Southern Highlands Rehab Centre) will be assisting us with addressing the rehabilitation needs of the Disabled.

AVODACOS: The avocado trees have produced a great crop this year. The photo shows some of the children preparing to bag the fruit whilst others are still picking! These are all used by the children and staff at the ICV. Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avocados contain high levels of healthy, beneficial fats. A great benefit for the children.   

NEW FOR OLD FOR A COSY SLEEP! Our lively, boisterous children at the Igoda Children’s Village in Mufindi are wearing out their mattresses and we need to replace them together with a few waterproof and single sheets too.  Can you help please?  Your donation, large or small, will go to a long way for the comfort of our kids. Every penny helps, thank you!                                                                                                                 


A 3.6″ mattress in Tanzania costs 90,000Tz/- (almost £32) and a single sheet 14,000Tz/- (Almost £5)

Your support, donations and those who regularly donate by Direct Debit is very much appreciated.
we can’t do this without you.  thank you!
Please contact us if you would like more information. To see more photos and posts, please see:



Lively Kids Need New Mattresses!

Our lively, boisterous children at the Igoda Children’s Village in Mufindi are wearing out their mattresses and we need to replace them, also a few waterproof and single sheets too.


Can you help Please? Your donation, large or small, will go a long way for the comfort of our children, every penny helps!  Thank you!

A 3’6″ mattress in Tanzania costs 90,000/-Tzsh (almost £32) and a single sheet 14,000/-Tzsh (almost £5.00).


News from Mufindi

Bob Ellis.  We were  very sad to announce, in January, the passing of Robert C Ellis. Bob was born in 1937, founder of Mufindi Orphans in the US who had lived an active and fascinating life in many parts of the world.  Bob and Mary were great friends of the Fox family in Mufindi, Tanzania and knew them years before he founded Mufindi Orphans in 2006 to support Foxes & Community Conservation for their projects in Mufindi. He retired from MOI in 2012.  He is certainly missed by us here and our sincere condolences to Mary, their daughters, India and Laura, with their son, BZ and families. https://www.tributearchive/obituaries/23431265/robert-charles-ellis

Blankets:  With your generous donations from our blanket appeal in December,  were able to buy some extra warm blankets for the children.  Great excitement as they collected their  blankets during the early evening as they arrived at the ICV! Thank you!

Visiting the leavers:  Uzia, the ICV Social Officer, and Dr Leena, our visiting volunteer doctor, checked all the children who had left the ICV. The majority over 18, as with Tanzanian Government ruling, orphanages are not allowed to keep any children of 18 years and over. Some of the younger ones also returned to families who were in a position to look after them again.

Here left to right are a few of the youngsters that have left: Kastory, his brother Kaisa, Blastus, Jesca with her grandmother and Edwin with Elia. It was found that some of the children needed items such as blankets etc., which was remedied.  They will remain supported with their education and all be regularly monitored.

Parcels: In February, more parcels from Finland arrived containing a lot of clothes, socks, shoes, lego blocks, reading spectacles and sunglasses, for which we are really grateful.  Many thanks to all the donors involved in Finland.

*YAM Project: These four youngsters have already benefitted from The YAM Project. So far, they have received psychosocial and entrepreneurship training.

Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation’s (FCWC) *Youth Agency in Mufindi, funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation Institute (HDI) in Finland, is designed to help vulnerable and disabled children solve life issues enabling them to lead dignified lives and to help take control of their lives through improved motivation, skills and opportunities.

FCWC has implemented this pilot project in our neighbouring 16 villages, conducting outreach, needs assessments, rehabilitation, carer training, psychosocial support, agricultural and forestry training, entrepreneurship training, and wherever possible also help address gender equalities. Our hope is that once the project is shown to be successful in addressing these needs it is likely to be replicated in other parts of the district, region and country and we will be working closely with local government wherever possible advocating equal development and opportunity for vulnerable children and young people.

16 disabled children so far (10 planned) have received need-based rehabilitation, checkup, treatment, and supportive devices for those who needed them. It is a proven success and there are many disabled children who attended the rehabilitation who are showing improvements. For example, we have a case study of Alvis Chumi who did not attend school because he was unable to walk, but after rehabilitation has now started to do so and he now attends butterfly class at our Igoda Children’s Village.

To achieve this, we have already established a Youth Project Team and are continuing in the process of establishing and strengthening Village Child Protection Committees, VCPCs, helping us to identify and deliver this project support and training and help solve the problems faced by disabled children and vulnerable young people

We are working with the UoI – (University of Iringa) and TAPCAP (Tanzanian Association for Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists) to help FCWC by providing expertise in assessing needs, psychosocial support, and the training of trainers while at the same time INUKA (Southern Highlands Rehab Centre) will be assisting us with addressing the rehabilitation needs of the disabled

Thank you for your continued support, it really means a lots to us and to all in Mufindi 

This is our giving page If you would like to be part of the children’s’ lives:

For more regular posts please see:

Happy Christmas and News From Mufindi

Oct 10th: Several of our older children have now left the Igoda Children’s Village because they are 18 and over; Tz Government stipulates no children over 18 can remain in an orphanage. Some younger children have also left, returning to their families who are now in a position to be able to look after them. Those over 18 have gone on to vocational education or our Youth Program, living in the villages with families. The ICV held a leaving party for them, including the younger children, with lots of pop, cake and having a bit of a singsong. Castory, who has been with us for many years, delivered a speech which went down well. Thank you to the staff and our volunteers, who were there helping to make this such a success. We wish the leavers all the best of luck with their new lives and will always be happy to see them visit the ICV again. The children will have regular monitoring to ensure their health and happiness.

Nov. 10thA smiley hello from Elieth, Petro’s little sister, as bright as a button now! She joined the Igoda Children’s Village on the 5th October, as her mother is mentally ill and her grandparents, being very poor, are unable to help in this very remote, rural area of Mufindi.


Nov. 22nd:

Great Excitement at the ICV Offices. Johnson Controls, from their Cork branch in Ireland, had awarded us a grant for the supply and fitting of solar panels, inverter and battery to enable the staff to work uninterrupted avoiding the numerous electric power cuts. It will also allow regular calls to our amazing sponsors in Finland with regard to the YAM project. (Youth Agency Mufindi – The project aims at building sustainable solutions for the improvement of lives of disabled children and vulnerable youth). This is going to make a huge difference and we would like to thank Johnson Controls and send our appreciation. The installation done by Hans, Joah, Jukka and Franco, on the roof, was hot and dangerous, also with Hans’ expertise went well, so a big thank you to them,   for their help.

Nov 24th: Our volunteers, Alex, Jukka and Joah had arranged a football tournament between NGO villages, with the ICV having their own team. There were four matches and great fun was had by all, with Iyayin village winning and the two best teams won cash prizes, donated.

Nov 30th: Learning to Read – Reading to Learn!: Because the books in the Kindergarten are completely worn out due to lots of little ones enjoying them, plus the need for reading and reference books for the Social Room, we held a fundraising campaign on the media and raised £400 which will buy over 400/500 books from Books2Africa in Dar es Salaam. In addition, the ICV has been donated 4 boxes full, including colouring and work books. Many thanks to our kind donors.

Dec 7th: The Kindergarten graduation was held at the ICV. The Kindergarten is open to the Igoda Village and staff members. An exciting, if perhaps a slightly bewildering day, for the little ones showing off all they have learned to their parents. Well done to the children and all teachers in bringing them this far. When they go to their primary school they will be well and truly ready to show what they can do, and probably be in advance.

Dec 10th: Gloria, 5 years old, and her brother Simon, 2, were brought back to the Igoda Children’s Village today. Gloria went to live with her grandmother on 9th September in 2020. However, after home visits by our Social Officer, Uzia, it was decided for her health and safety, with Simon, to return to the ICV where they will receive the love and care given by the dedicated house mamas and staff. Their grandmother and father are not well.


Dec 12th: We said Kwaheri, safari salama na karibuni tena (Goodbye, safe journey and welcome again) to Dr Alex, Jukka, Ronja and Aleksi. We thank them for all their love, care and help at the Igoda Children’s Village and medical help with outreach home visits making a big difference. They also bought and gave food to extremely poor families. Dr. Alex will be really missed by us all. Looking forward to her next visit. Dr Leena and two friends arrived on the 29th November for three months. Welcome again Dr. Leena!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wouldn’t be here without your support, Thank you!

If you would like any further information, please contact us +44(0)7759 219 708. email:




Learning to Read – Reading to Learn!
As the books in the Igoda Children’s Village Kindergarten are completely worn out due to lots of little ones enjoying them, also with the need for reading and reference books for our Social Room, we are asking for your help to restock please. If you would like to be part of these children’s future, please click on the link, every donation counts, a little goes a long way. Asante Sana (Thank you!)”?





Zulea is currently completing her Tourism and Hotel Management studies and is at Lazy Lagoon right now doing her ‘field’ experience for 3 months before seeking employment.

IGODA CLINIC WARD EXTENSION: The foundations are complete and the brickwork has been started, there was a delay due to a very wet season! This will provide the Igoda Clinic with more beds, and accommodation for a doctor and nurse to expand the facility to cover a wider area as the nearest hospital is quite  distance away. This is being sponsored by a very generous donor! Thank you so much.

Conservation news: Chris Fox and his team are located in some of Tanzania’s absolutely best untouched locations, and they have made it their mission to protect these lands. So far, they’ve managed to: remove 11,000 snares/traps used in illegal poaching activities; planted 30,000 locally with indigenous forest trees (as at end of 2019); facilitate ongoing ecological monitoring; help deploy anti-poaching units into the scarp forests of Mufindi. The Fox family has planted 3 million trees in the Southern Highlands and lowering the carbon emissions in this area

Huge congratulations to our Trustee, Simon Shercliff CMG OBE for being appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran!
Welcomed Visitors:  Johannes, our Volunteer Accountant from Germany, also Jenny Peck from America, paid a short visit at the ICV much to the excitement of the staff and children!

23rdSeptember: We welcome Dr Alex and her family to the ICV. Her medical skills are very much valued not only at our ICV but in the surrounding villages where she will be visiting many outreach patients in need of this extra help. The family has already started activities in the social room with the children and catching up with them all. The family last December converted the old craft-room into a Social room where the children can go and relax, do activities, homework, read etc.

ICV: We believe our foster facility for babies who lose their mothers at childbirth is slowing down. Perhaps this is an indicator of the success of our new Igoda Clinic where many babies are being delivered in the maternity unit.  Also, we are taking steps to repatriate some of these young children to their villages where fathers left them with us as babies not being able to look after them. They are normally returned around 3 years of age. Francisco, now aged 2 yrs has been fostered with a family living at Chogo Village who have other children and settled in well. Tunaye, Fanuel, Monica and Evalina, all over 18 have now left the ICV as with Government policy which does not allow children over the age of 18 to remain. They are all enrolled in further education, or the Youth Project.

SAILING ALONE: Richard Kerswell, who lived in Tanganyika as a child, continuing his sail, alone, around the UK raising funds for the Igoda Children’s Village and Give the World a Shot. So far he has done 2,232.7 Nautical miles. To catch up with his latest progress please click on:





The OITW 2021 Christmas Cards will be available soon. Each pack of 10 cards is £4.75 per pack + Postage.

Thank you for your continued support and donations also those who regularly donate by direct debit, they are very much appreciated, without your amazing help the ICV wouldn’t be there!  Asante Sana! 

Do get in touch if you need more information.