The much needed Igoda Clinic maternity extension and living quarters for visiting medical staff in Mufindi, Tz., is coming along well, the roof trusses are almost complete. Progress is not as fast as FCWC (Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation) would have liked due to the difficulty in obtaining dry timber for the roof. The corrugated roofing sheets will take no time and enable the interior walls and floors to be cemented – followed by ceiling boards, doors and windows. This extension is being generously funded by a donor in Belgium.
VOLUNTEERS MIA AND LEO: We said goodbye and a big thank you to Mia and Leo for volunteering for three months at the ICV Kindergarten.
We also said our farewells to ELLA HIRSIAHO thanking her for all the hand knitted knitwear, hats, toys, shoes, sunglasses etc. donated by her and many friends in Finland
THE YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi) PROJECT: Achievements so far: The Agricultural skills & mindset training for last year of 80 vulnerable and disabled youngsters received Psychosocial training and Entrepreneurship training, this included – This year, the next 100 youths received Psychosocial 15 days training in Feb, followed by 10 days Entrepreneurship training, followed by 10 days Agricultural training + 3 days mindset training . At the beginning of June, 2 piglets were distributed to each of the 100 Youngsters on a revolving scheme.
They have just had INUKA (INUKA Southern Highlands CBR is a Rehabilitation Hospital) assessing rehabilitation needs for the next 31 Disabled children who will go into Rehab soon. 17 children have already received rehabilitation and treatment last year. In the meantime, an SOS was received for a 14yr old Epileptic who had severely ulcerated feet requiring possible amputation due to gangrene. He is in INUKA hospital now for the next 28 days while they try to save his legs by curing the gangrene and dressing the wounds every day.
22 sewing machines were delivered in June and the tables were assembled within a couple of days, these treadle tables came in flat packs
Students then started to receive 10 days of tailor training; others started their 15 days Mechanics training. Then all 180 youth (last and this cohort) will be placed as apprentices for 5 months e.g. with tailors, motorcycle mechanics, carpenters, masons etc
Later this year we will be conducting care giver’s training and providing support for older disabled youngsters wanting employment.– *YAM PROJECT *Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation’s (FCWC) Youth Agency in Mufindi, is funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation Institute (HDI) in Finland, designed to help vulnerable and disabled children solve life issues enabling them to lead dignified lives and to help take control of their lives through improved motivation, skills and opportunities. FCWC are working with the UoI – (University of Iringa) and TAPCAP (Tanzanian Association for Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists) to help FCWC by providing expertise in assessing needs, psychosocial support, and the training of trainers while at the same time INUKA (Southern Highlands Rehab Centre) will be assisting us with addressing the rehabilitation needs of the Disabled.
AVODACOS: The avocado trees have produced a great crop this year. The photo shows some of the children preparing to bag the fruit whilst others are still picking! These are all used by the children and staff at the ICV. Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avocados contain high levels of healthy, beneficial fats. A great benefit for the children.
NEW FOR OLD FOR A COSY SLEEP! Our lively, boisterous children at the Igoda Children’s Village in Mufindi are wearing out their mattresses and we need to replace them together with a few waterproof and single sheets too. Can you help please? Your donation, large or small, will go to a long way for the comfort of our kids. Every penny helps, thank you!
A 3.6″ mattress in Tanzania costs 90,000Tz/- (almost £32) and a single sheet 14,000Tz/- (Almost £5)
Your support, donations and those who regularly donate by Direct Debit is very much appreciated.
we can’t do this without you. thank you!
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