It is with great appreciation and thanks for for following fundraising efforts, their donations will certainly make a great difference.

Richard Kerswell continued to sail around Ireland raising funds for the children at the ICV since our last newsletter and completed his efforts on the 15th October. He started sailing on the 26th April leaving Penzance, over the Irish sea to Waterford and around Ireland anticlockwise, clocking up 1706 nm £836 so far. He has met amazing supportive people; battled some very rough seas; had torrential rain and very high winds but also glorious sunny days too; seen some wonderful sea life and beautiful scenery. The donation page is still open for donations.

Mark Brunsdon and his team, on the 16th September, rowed in the London Marathon’s Great River Race which is 21.6 miles up the Thames from Millwall in the east to Richmond in the west. He rowed with Tamar and Tavy Gig Rowing Clubs finishing 36 out of 212 boats; 10th out of 49 gigs raising £306.25 for the children.

Lillie Hyde-Parker is also raising funds for the children by running 10k in cherished memory of Sophie Hyde-Parker who volunteered at the Children’s Village, shown, who loved her time with them as they did hers. Lillie’s run is at the end of November. So far she has raised £726.50. if you would like to support her efforts, please click on this link.

*CELEBRATION AT IGODAOn the 6th September, with great excitement, the keys to the new ward extension of the Igoda Health Clinic were officially handed over to the Igoda Village officials in the presence of Geoff and Vicky Fox, as guests of honour, and celebrated with the Mufindi District Chairman, other dignitaries, staff and villagers, at the same time the Chairman praised the efforts made by the Yam Project that is making a difference to vulnerable youth in the area. Two Certificates of Appreciation were given to Geoff and Vicky for all their support, help and efforts since 2005, they were also presented with a goat.

The building of the Igoda ward extension and furniture were made possible by the extremely generous sponsors, Yvo and Hilda from Belgium, which, without their help, would not have been possible.

The YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi), funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation Institute (HDI) of Finland, is designed to support disadvantaged and vulnerable youth to solve life issues enabling them to lead dignified lives and to help take control of their lives through improved motivation, skills and opportunities”
*  *  


Congratulations to Ellia, Edwin, Kastory, Kaisa and Fanual  on their School Graduation on 19th Oct 2023.     


Helmi has been volunteering for three months at the ICV and is being exceptionally helpful. Mostly she has been working in the YAM project. At the moment, the whole project team are currently trying to find employers who would be willing to employ the youths who have disabilities in this project, visiting some companies in the nearby villages and Mafinga for discussions. She has also been helping some younger children with their evening studies, assisting the teacher in the classroom with mathematics and writing English and Swahili. She has designed a new trifold leaflet for FCWC (FoxesNGO) and for future skills, she is showing children how to knit and crochet. She will certainly be sorely missed and wish her well with her Bachelor’s degree.

Also Ella Hirsiaho, Finnish volunteer, arrived for 10 days, bringing with her a full car load of items for the ICV,  Ella came with her usual, generosity, exuberance and organised lots of games and fun the for children. She has returned now and will be sorely missed. 

Dr Leena Pasanena much loved volunteer medical doctor who has been going to the ICV for many years, has also just arrived in Mufindi and was welcomed with open arms. She will be visiting for three months, assessing medical needs, visiting those in need in outreach and meeting old friends.

Thank you

To those who are running events, raising funds for the children,
your continuing support also those who donate on a regular basis, the Igoda Children’s Village wouldn’t be there without you, we really appreciate it

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