All precautions are in place at the Igoda Children’s Village to keep it as safe as possible from the Coronavirus. STAY HOME, KEEP SAFE!
Nache, Fanuel and Kaiza. Nache was brought to our Children’s Village on death’s doorstep, battling daily to survive in May 2013. His CD4 was tested at count of 2, meaning he had virtually no immunity to any disease. His lungs were both failing due to prolonged lung disease. Since Nache has been at Igoda Children’s Village, he has had expensive lengthy stays at hospitals, where he battled TB, pneumonia, and shingles. We have been fortunate to have had several visiting health volunteers to help keep him alive. He is now on the ‘last line’ of Anti-Retro Viral treatment of HIV that is available in Tanzania as his body has become resistant to ‘first-line’ ARVs. Incredibly his health turned for the better. After months in bed and visits inand out of the Hospital, he got his life back! Due to continuous illness, he never had the opportunity to go to school regularly, meaning he never learned how to read, write and do basic maths. He attended the kindergarten at the Children’sVillage everyday when he was 13 years old. Today Nache is in grade seven at Madisi primary school, he should sit for his national exams this year in September, if schools are reopened, and due to the tremendous success of his entire support system and his incredible will to survive, each one of us that has the pleasure of working with Nache walks away with admiration for this young man who has beaten so many odds. He is a special and wonderful person with a shy smile and a heart of gold.
Fanuel has always worked hard with his garden projects raising money for extras, he’s now managed to buy a small radio which he and his friends thoroughly enjoy.
Zulea sends greetings to all who know her and thanks to all ‘Mufindi Friends’ in Finland when she recently needed urgent medical help. Zulea gave permission to tell about her difficulties which is connected with her skin problem Xeroderma Pigmentosum. She passed her Secondary school exams well and it was arranged for her to attend Kibao Catholic Girl’s School. It then turned out that she could not see the blackboard during her Maths, Physics and Chemistry lessons. Until then, she listened and made notes doing very well, she is a gifted girl! Zulea was desperate when she had to leave the school but then things moved fast. With Mama Dorcus she caught an early bus at 4am, travelled to Ilembula, 150km away. Eric Msigomba, the eye doctor, checked her and gave a referral letter to KCMC Low Vision Unit. Then by bus 200km to Iringa to stay overnight, onto to Moshi, almost 900km a 14 hours drive, where she had further eye examinations. The following day, Zulea was given a 6x Telescope for blackboard reading and a 6x Magnifier for close work. She must always wear sunglasses outdoors. A very happy girl returned from the long journey and back to school. She has gone through a lot, from 2003 there were large wounds on her scalp from her condition and the dressings have been painful and troublesome. Zulea does has parents but the wound care was difficult to perform at home. As we have an onsite clinic with dressings available, Zulea has stayed at the Children’s Village since. She also had treatment in America paid for by visiting volunteer doctors. Her scalp is now fine, but keeps it protected with hats. Fingers crossed that everything goes well at school.
It takes a decide how to help a little school girl whose mom had died a while ago, her dad is very old and had broken his hip, mentioned in our previous report, he cannot walk and stays with his younger brother in the neighbouring village because he requires help day and night and needs a relative to escort him to hospital. This little girl lived in a run down house with her 14 year old sister who was working on the tea fields and stole food sometimes for both of them in order to survive. She had not taken her daily medicine for about half a year and not at school nor at home for a couple of weeks when Dr Leena, our volunteer doctor, and Susan Vincent tried to find her with nobody knowing where she was. She was later found at school, hungry, and on checking her house found there was absolutely no food. Our Social welfare officer, Joseph, Village Chairman, Headmaster of the Primary School, Susan Vinton and Dr Leena thought that in order to survive she needed the care that the Children’s Village can offer.
Just received – 2/02/2020: “She has now settled and taking her HIV treatment as she skipped it for eight months. So she is fine and happy here. Her sister is also here and attending the hotel managent ( learning about different cookings) at the vocational training centre close to our CV. Now school has closed because of Corona and they are both at the children’s village” Joseph, Social Welfare Officer.
There are those who still say that home is the best place for children and all childrens’ homes should be banned! We would be very happy if all orphans/vulnerable children could stay with their relatives in the village but sometimes it is just not possible.
Thank you
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email: Tel: 07759 219 708
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