Loving care from one of the House Mamas in the Igoda Children’s Village. Please help us keep a good roof over their heads.
Our target of £4,000 will allow us to do essential repairs.
A monthly donation can allow us to plan, or a single donation of £50 will buy a big drum of roof paint, £10 a single sheet of roofing material. Please click on the donate button and give what you can. Thank you!
Or here’s a good way to start our Christmas appeal – a wonderful book which will make an excellent present. Flying Snakes & Green Turtles – Tanzania Up Close
This entertaining book describes the life and adventures of Geoff Fox MBE and his wife Vicky, founders of Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation Trust (FCWCT). There cannot be too many couples who can claim to have run an East African tea plantation, discovered the cause of a virulent cattle disease, fought off cattle and ivory poachers, help the local population fight off the deadly HIV/Aids, set up an orphanage, schools, outreach and wildlife a conservation programme – but such is the life of Geoff and Vicky Fox. Their story, much of which is extremely funny, and so much more, is described in this wonderful book which costs £15 plus first class £3.45 or second class postage £2.95 for the UK.
100% goes to OITW. If you would like a book, order through our Golden Giving donate button above, fill in the details and in the comments section, add ‘Fox Book’ Thank you.
Here’s another easy way to help us raise £4,000 we need to repair these roofs – AT NO COST TO YOU! The Giving Machine links to over 1500 well know retailers and it’s very simple to use. Please have a look and help maintain the welfare and security of the children in the Igoda Children’s Village. Click here to see how it works and chose Orphans in the Wild as your cause: https://www.thegivingmachine.co.uk
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