Oct 10th: Several of our older children have now left the Igoda Children’s Village because they are 18 and over; Tz Government stipulates no children over 18 can remain in an orphanage. Some younger children have also left, returning to their families who are now in a position to be able to look after them. Those over 18 have gone on to vocational education or our Youth Program, living in the villages with families. The ICV held a leaving party for them, including the younger children, with lots of pop, cake and having a bit of a singsong. Castory, who has been with us for many years, delivered a speech which went down well. Thank you to the staff and our volunteers, who were there helping to make this such a success. We wish the leavers all the best of luck with their new lives and will always be happy to see them visit the ICV again. The children will have regular monitoring to ensure their health and happiness.
Nov. 10th: A smiley hello from Elieth, Petro’s little sister, as bright as a button now! She joined the Igoda Children’s Village on the 5th October, as her mother is mentally ill and her grandparents, being very poor, are unable to help in this very remote, rural area of Mufindi.
Nov. 22nd:
Great Excitement at the ICV Offices. Johnson Controls, from their Cork branch in Ireland, had awarded us a grant for the supply and fitting of solar panels, inverter and battery to enable the staff to work uninterrupted avoiding the numerous electric power cuts. It will also allow regular calls to our amazing sponsors in Finland with regard to the YAM project. (Youth Agency Mufindi – The project aims at building sustainable solutions for the improvement of lives of disabled children and vulnerable youth). This is going to make a huge difference and we would like to thank Johnson Controls and send our appreciation. The installation done by Hans, Joah, Jukka and Franco, on the roof, was hot and dangerous, also with Hans’ expertise went well, so a big thank you to them, for their help.
Nov 24th: Our volunteers, Alex, Jukka and Joah had arranged a football tournament between NGO villages, with the ICV having their own team. There were four matches and great fun was had by all, with Iyayin village winning and the two best teams won cash prizes, donated.
Nov 30th: Learning to Read – Reading to Learn!: Because the books in the Kindergarten are completely worn out due to lots of little ones enjoying them, plus the need for reading and reference books for the Social Room, we held a fundraising campaign on the media and raised £400 which will buy over 400/500 books from Books2Africa in Dar es Salaam. In addition, the ICV has been donated 4 boxes full, including colouring and work books. Many thanks to our kind donors.
Dec 7th: The Kindergarten graduation was held at the ICV. The Kindergarten is open to the Igoda Village and staff members. An exciting, if perhaps a slightly bewildering day, for the little ones showing off all they have learned to their parents.
Well done to the children and all teachers in bringing them this far. When they go to their primary school they will be well and truly ready to show what they can do, and probably be in advance.
Dec 10th: Gloria, 5 years old, and her brother Simon, 2, were brought back to the Igoda Children’s Village today. Gloria went to live with her grandmother on 9th September in 2020. However, after home visits by our Social Officer, Uzia, it was decided for her health and safety, with Simon, to return to the ICV where they will receive the love and care given by the dedicated house mamas and staff. Their grandmother and father are not well.
Dec 12th: We said Kwaheri, safari salama na karibuni tena (Goodbye, safe journey and welcome again) to Dr Alex, Jukka, Ronja and Aleksi. We thank them for all their love, care and help at the Igoda Children’s Village and medical help with outreach home visits making a big difference. They also bought and gave food to extremely poor families. Dr. Alex will be really missed by us all. Looking forward to her next visit. Dr Leena and two friends arrived on the 29th November for three months. Welcome again Dr. Leena!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wouldn’t be here without your support, Thank you!
If you would like any further information, please contact us +44(0)7759 219 708. email: marion@wildorphans.org
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