Johannes Stangenberg-Haverkamp came to the Children’s Village in 2017 intending a much shorter stay and eventually ended up staying 8 months. He came to the Children’s Village to volunteer his services as an accountant but soon found that there was more to the task than he had anticipated! He became, and still is, such a vital cog in the wheel and became the ‘go to’ person for absolutely everything in a multi-faceted role.
Many, many thanks, Johannes, for extending your stay in the Children’s Village, and continuing to be such a support to the NGO both in your accountant’s role and as a friend. As we say farewell, we wish you every success with your plans and are so grateful that you are still having an input even from a distance. Asante sana!
Sheree Demblon, a qualified nurse, was with us at the Children’s Village for three years. She now has a family and livers in Mafinga visiting us every few weeks. She is making a big difference to the lives in the Children’s
Village and the surrounding villages in her outreach work.
Taking care of Medical and Dental issues are wonderful, tireless, dedicated people who have devoted their lives to working in Tanzania and now based at Igoda Children’s Village, volunteering their services for the good of the whole community.
Dr Leena Pasanen, a paediatrician, left her native Finland to work in rural Tanzania. She has been caring for children and adults for the past 38 years and is now based in the Children’s Village. She has witnessed the devastating impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, She says this only strengthens her will to continue helping the children of Tanzania in any way she can.
Dr Bodil Sandin, A dentist from Sweden, who also has experience working in Southern Tanzania and now volunteers with the NGO for several months at a time also arranges Dentists Without Border’s visits.
Dr Bodil Sandin and Sam Sofya
Dr. Alexandra Kulmalahti has volunteered for the last three years, no only giving medical experience at the ICV but also her help in outreach where she makes a difference to those in need. Her family sometimes accompany her and help in many ways, especially at the ICV
We would like to thank our past long term Volunteers for their hard work and support whilst with us, they will be missed and wish them all good luck for their future:
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