We’d love for you to join us to make a world of difference.

#GivingTuesday takes place on the Tuesday 3 December and is a day to give back and do good.

Since its launch in 2012, #GivingTuesday has grown to be a truly global phenomenon and there are now official campaigns in 40 countries, with support on the day extending to over 70 countries last year.

Here in the UK, #GivingTuesday is powered by the Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) and we’re proud to be part of something truly amazing. Last year 1 in 10 people in the UK did something on the day, raising money & donating. The campaign holds the world record for the most money raised online for charity in 24 hours, and last year raised $64 million globally.

We’d love for you to join us to make a world of difference.

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