Threads Vocational Sewing School!

#10yearsofservice #10daysofaction #10years10days #FCWCT-OITW

2008 Income Generating Projects:

From the Archives:
Manager, Jenny Peck on the income generating projects happening in 2008!

“Two previously existing projects are continuing well:

1) A select group of 5 women living with HIV/AIDS and caring for orphans are skillfully making batiks that are sold at Mufindi Highland Lodge, and other Fox Treks lodges/resorts.

2) Several groups of women (about 10-15 each) in the surrounding villages, are making baskets to be sold at the lodges as well. These women (in total currently about 80 women) use the extra income to help supplement their subsistence living. As all of the women in these groups are HIV+, many are too weak to work in their gardens to produce food for their families, so this extra income is used to hire help to do this cultivating for them.
Two additional income generating projects have been started in the month of May that we are hoping will bring added income to even more families, and enrich their lives.

One project includes more crafts, as we have had 5 looms made up by a professional artisan living in Tanzania, that will be used to make carpet-mats that are quite popular not only in the homes of expatriates that live in Tanzania, but also in local homes and establishments. It is the goal to not only sell these crafts at the Fox Treks lodges/resorts, but to expand to the local towns, and find an outlet for these mats to be sold as they are quite popular with locals, and can be sold at a profit friendly price.
Income generation projects are designed to give the poorest families in our communities the ability to support themselves through their own work, ultimately instilling pride in their hard work and likely starting a self-sustaining business for these would-be entrepreneurs.”

TODAY in 2017:

Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Conservation Trust (FCWCT) has been directing its energies to support the empowerment of vulnerable adolescents, particularly girls and young women, through the Threads Vocational Sewing School. The goal of a vocational sewing school is to empower vulnerable adolescents who are unable to continue on to secondary school, provide them with a tradable skill set, and provide this rural community with a service it desperately needs- seamstresses and tailors.

The school was originally chartered to address the high numbers of unskilled young adults who are unable to start/complete their secondary school education. As secondary school education is not government mandatory and requires a much larger financial commitment than primary school, many students forgo secondary school education to stay at home and support their families. In this program, students learn a tradable skill that can be used to generate income.

Over the course of the two year program, students learn dress-making, tailoring, and various crafts, and upon their graduation, each student leaves with his or her own sewing machine to begin a venture. Since opening its doors in 2010, the Threads Vocational Sewing School has provided vocational education to upwards of 75 students!

#10yearsofservice #10daysofaction #10years10days #FCWCT

Our goal is to secure monthly sponsors for each of the 10 projects we are highlighting over this 10 day countdown to our #10yearanniversary !

Become a monthly sponsor of our Threads Vocational Sewing School!

(£19.50) each month can provide a sewing school student with all of their school supplies and sewing supplies such as notebooks, pens, pencils, thread, sewing shears etc. to complete their education!
Click on the links below and become monthly sponsors!


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