Can you help protect the Mufindi Forest? Let’s celebrate Earth Day by helping Chris Fox (Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Conservation) and his anti-poaching Tanzanian team keep the Mufindi forest free of poaching. They have been protecting the forest since 2014, removed well over 25,000 snares so far, planted and continue to nurture over 30,000 indigenous rainforest trees to enrich areas depleted by human abuses. They patrol an area of 80 km walking about 1,000 km each month. Chris is dedicated to conservation.

Forests anchor the ground and intercept water, storing it and releasing it slowly, thereby reducing the soil erosion. Reduction of soil erosion protects farms and population centres from flooding
Let’s help protect the flora and fauna
A few examples, there is so much more:

Any donation greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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