January / February 2019 News from Mufindi
BABY HOUSE: On 23rd January another new baby arrived at the Children’s Village only a few hours old. Sadly the mother passed away but she made sure she wrapped the baby girl up and put her in a safe place, tried to get help, but unfortunately she was too far away from the nearest hospital or medical help. Our Social Officer, Joseph, was called in by the local Village Children’s Protection Committee to request that this little baby came to the Children’s Village where she will be loved and cared for until she is old enough for her family to look after her. She is the third baby to come to us over the last year and the house mamas are dedicated to caring for them and all the other little ones in the Baby House. They work extremely hard and we are so grateful for their love and care. Shown above, one of the baby house mamas with Jordan, our long term volunteer from Peace Corps with the latest babies.
DENTISTS WITHOUT BORDERS: Always welcome to the Children’s Village, Dentists Without Borders, organized by our regular volunteer dentist, Dr Bodil Sandin, arrived in February. They all help the children learn to look after their teeth and also on their outreach work spreading the word about dental hygiene and treatments in remote schools also giving each pupil a new toothbrush. If children need treatment the school arranges for them all to visit the Mdabulo Dental Clinic together. 23 children from one school, Mwefu, took four hours to walk there, luckily the school organized a small bus to return them. There are no dentists in Mufindi, so their work is invaluable.
NEW SCHOOL BUS: We have, very generously, been donated a much needed bus that can now take all the children to school. This replaces the vehicle that was running double trips because there are more children attending school. This also means that Hezron, 22 yrs old, our young man with Cerebral Palsy, can now get to school much easier and thoroughly enjoys it. As you can see, his wheelchair is very old and a little small so needs replacing with one that is made specially for him and are fundraising to replace it. If you would like to help, any amount, it would really be appreciated. He is a lovely person, never complaining always smiling! Thank you.
We would like to thank all our sponsors for their support and generosity over the last past year. Without your help our children and local Tanzanian staff at the Children’s Village would not have a happy and safe home.
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