Children’s Village News from Mufindi

Lots of Activity at The children’s Village

Report from Joseph, our Social Welfare Officer:

“This is Sijali Kitalika, our nurse at Igoda Children’s Village, as she was conducting seminar to the house mamas on how to provide the First Aid to the children who might suddenly have health issue before sending them to the hospital. Important matters to this seminar were wound care, steps to help a child falling from different levels of epilepsy and how to help a child who is frequently vomiting and diarrhoea leading to dehydration.”

  “In May, we received a request from Kidete village for this baby, Kefa Patrick Kigulu, to receive custody here at the Children’s Village. This is due to the serious sickness of the mother who currently can’t breast feed. As this family has five other children at home with their father taking care of their mama, he finds he cannot cope and asked for help. So Kefa will be staying at the Igoda Children’s Village until such time that his father is able to have him back, when the Mama recovers. The photo here is shown with his sister.”

“Flora, a little baby girl who joined our Milk Powder service from the Outreach Program as the result of her mother having fungal infection in her breasts causing her to stop feeding her baby. The help request was received when she was 3 months old as the family couldn’t afford to buy 6 cans of milk powder which would have cost them more than 108,000/- Tsh (£38) every month. 6 months later we were informed her mother died and there was no option for her to stay at her family home. We received a request from the Village Child Committee for the baby to receive custody at the Igoda Children’s Village. Flora has been at the CV since June 2019 and is settling in very well.”

Fanuel, at the children’s village, has his own chicken project. He has built a coop and eagerly learning how to look after chickens, collect eggs and produce the meat. He also looks after his small garden of cabbages, tomatoes and Pine saplings and tends to an acre of Maize, with a couple of other friends. All this will put him in good stead for his future.

Manuse, standing, arrived at the CV after being found still attached to his mother who had passed away in a field trying to get to hospital in December 2017. As you can see he is a healthy little boy who has made friends with Fransisco who came to live at the Baby House too in January 2019. Unfortunately, his mother had passed away too. These two have bonded and are inseparable. It is very rewarding to see how all these children are flourishing. This is all thanks to our lovely supporters and amazing House Mamas, without whom they wouldn’t be able to be loved and cared for.

We are also very grateful to all our supporters and give special thanks to those contributing monthly, it makes such a difference. All contributions towards costs to keep the Igoda Children’s Village going are always appreciated. We are all volunteers and only local Tanzanian staff are paid.

Gift Vouchers/Blank Greetings Cards and African Craft are available at any time.
If you would like further information, please contact us.

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