YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi Project) Annual Report 2024

YAM Annual report 2024

The YAM project started in 2021 with the FCWC NGO receiving a contract donation for four yeas from Helsinki Deaconess Institute Foundation enabling FCWC to implement a project named as Youth Agency Mufindi (YAM)

The project’s main objective is too improve livelihoods of the most vulnerable young people by ensuring they are better equipped to take charge of their own lives as a result of improved motivation, skills, and opportunities. The project provides these young people with psychosocial support as well as equip them with skills and knowledge to act as successful entrepreneurs.  YAM also advocates for the rights of people living with disabilities and assist with those in need of treatment, rehabilitation, occupational therapy and aims to help those wanting to find employment or self employment to acquire the necessary skills and opportunities accordingly

The YAM project is operated within 3 wards names Luhunga, Mdabulo and Ihanu which altogether makes a total of 16 villages.

YAM Annual report 2024    YAM results



Quarterly News from the Igoda Children’s Village, Mufindi.

YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi) sponsored by The Deaconess Foundation of Finland. During the first phase of YAM, 420 of the most vulnerable youth from 16 villages, plus 94 young people with disabilities (PWD) were given skills training followed by 6 months of apprenticeships.  YAM also subsidised 25 young PWD’s for 6-month internship placements with Mufindi Tea Company and Private Forestry Programme
2025 will focus on young people with disabilities to lift their livelihoods and make them less invisible in society. There are currently 131 children, and 97 youth identified within the 16 villages, and this will increase over time.  These will get treatment, rehabilitation and assistance with supporting devices followed by psychosocial, entrepreneurship, agricultural and skills training, like the last 4 years.  Skills training incorporates sewing, carpentry, briquette making, mechanics, forestry and basket weaving.  They will then also benefit from 6 months of apprenticeship training

It is inevitable that some PWD’s will not be able to be employed and therefore we aim to establish an arts and crafts project to support the livelihoods of support careers.  This would be assisted by volunteers able to inspire product range and teach the necessary skills. This output is still waiting for a budget and a source of enthusiastic and skilled volunteers.                                                                                                                          .
The children and youth from our Children’s Village naturally benefit from these trainings. For example, there is a waiter employed at the Ruaha River Lodge who had a very traumatic youth and lacked any self-confidence. Following the training programmes he has come on in leaps and bounds and able to develop the skills requited for his job.


These are two little ones, who live in the baby house with the other babies and their two house mamas,  whose physical development is slow and need extra help.  They go to Ineka Rehabilitation Centre for check-ups and advice. Tina, shown here, came to the Igoda Children’s Village with Dr Leena Pasanen to see, help and learn about children and those in outreach.


Dentists Without Borders: Marie Löfström and her team from arrived in October, visited the ICV together with several schools in the area, checked their teeth and educated them on dental hygiene, showing them the correct way of brushing their teeth.  A valuable lesson as there is a lot of sugar cane grown. 


The Catholic Women’s group and priest from Mdabulo held a church service at the ICV on the 22nd of October with joyful singing all day! They also very generously donated beans, maize, sugar, soap, rice, cooking oil, vegetables, potatoes, clothes, toothpaste, wheat flour and shoes

The Mafinga Lutheran Church prayed for the ICV children and provided them with food before their trip to Ruaha. How kind and generous! A few hours later and after lunch at the picnic site, they carried on and arrived at Ruaha River Lodge where refreshments were had.


They did see a lot of animals and one little girl said, “We saw an elephant as big as a house but no lions.” At the River Lodge there is always something to watch, whether it be animals on the banks of the river, monkeys cavorting about, birds etc. After a long, tiring day, they left for home with a five-hour journey ahead of them! A trip they will never forget. Thank you to everyone at the River Lodge for their kind hospitality and for kind donors who helped make this happen

With huge thanks to the sponsors and for all the donations received to cover new clothes, school bags, shoes, toothbrushes, toothpastes, soap, food etc. helping to make this happen, you are very special and certainly enriches the children’s lives!
For regular news, please visit:  https://www.facebook.com/OrphansInTheWild/

Progress from the Igoda Children’s Village, Mufindi, Tz.

There have been many refurbishments and repairs going on over the last few months. Shown here the guard’s shelter and bridge connecting the office, stores, nursery/kindergarten/ playground etc. to the children’s houses.

The Yam Project: This project, sponsored by The Deaconess Foundation of Finland is progressing well. These young students are learning carpentry skills whilst some of the girls are learning to sew with treadle sewing machines. The young primary school graduates loved showing off their new dresses made by the apprentice machinists.


The washing machine at the ICV completely broke down and despite numerous repairs, could not be brought back to life! A fundraise on Facebook was started and within a week, with thanks to generous donors, a Defy Twin Tub washing machine was ordered and on the way. This hardy machine will cope with the poor power quality they have and the clothes get spun much drier than by an automatic machine – great for our weather where washing takes two days to dry when hand washed

Nyamalongolo HYDRO Project: These photos are from the 1st phase of starting the dam wall and the canal, as well as the offloading of the penstock pipes. Numerous rocks were removed by drilling holes for explosives to blast them away. It didn’t take long for the water to start damming up.

The penstock pipes arrived and the team came from the supplier in Dar es Salaam to help; it is such a big job! The pipes have to be heat welded together as it snakes through the forest. There is still a way to go and as it progresses we sh on Facebook until the next newsletter.

They have cleared an access road through the blue gum plantation that leads to the powerhouse (still to be built), such a pretty access!


To all our donors, friends running events and fundraising for the children, the Tanzanian staff and volunteers; your continuing support is really appreciated. The Igoda Children’s Village wouldn’t be here without your help.

News from the Igoda Children’s Village, Mufindi, Tz.

https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fund…/miles-for-mufindi Marnus Lottering is running in the 86km Comrades Marathon! Wow! Not long to go now for Marnus to begin his awesome epic adventure to support Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation Trust (FCWCT)! He has been training mentally and physically for months now to tackle the gruelling marathon in South Africa on 9th June raising funds for us. Please support Marnus in this endeavour by donating. Please follow the link, read his story and share the post!

Chris Fox (Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Conservation) and his anti-poaching Tanzanian team keep the Mufindi forest free of poaching. They have been protecting the forest since 2014, removed well over 25,000 snares so far, planted and continue to nurture over 30,000 indigenous rainforest trees to enrich areas depleted by human abuses. They patrol an area of 80 km walking about 1,000 km each month. Chris is dedicated to conservation.

International Woman’s Day on 8th March was celebrated showing some of our hard-working mamas who give love, care and attention to the children, outreach and large vegetable fields

Ella visited the ICV from Finland for a short time and gave these lovely skirts for the girls and knitwear for the boys, made by her and her friends. Karibu sana Ella and thank you all!


To all our donors, friends running events and fundraising for the children, the Tanzanian staff and volunteers; your continuing support is really appreciated. The Igoda Children’s Village wouldn’t be here without your help.

Join Marnus Lottering in an Epic Adventure to Support Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Trust


Join Marnus Lottering in an epic adventure to support Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Conservation Trust (FCWCT)! Marnus is gearing up to tackle the gruelling 86km Comrades Marathon in South Africa on June 9th and aims to raise funds for Foxes’ Ngo. By donating, you’ll be encouraging and showing support to Marnus, and you’ll be helping us support vulnerable children, empower communities for sustainable development, and help conserve rainforests. Please click on the link above, read our story and share the post.

Thank You……

Mufindi Forest

Can you help protect the Mufindi Forest? Let’s celebrate Earth Day by helping Chris Fox (Foxes’ Community and Wildlife Conservation) and his anti-poaching Tanzanian team keep the Mufindi forest free of poaching. They have been protecting the forest since 2014, removed well over 25,000 snares so far, planted and continue to nurture over 30,000 indigenous rainforest trees to enrich areas depleted by human abuses. They patrol an area of 80 km walking about 1,000 km each month. Chris is dedicated to conservation.
Forests anchor the ground and intercept water, storing it and releasing it slowly, thereby reducing the soil erosion. Reduction of soil erosion protects farms and population centres from flooding
Let’s help protect the flora and fauna
A few examples, there is so much more:
Any donation greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Skills training & Youth with Disabilities Employment: The 3rd cohort of 100 young beneficiaries benefited from the training (Psychosocial, mindset, entrepreneurship, agricultural, followed by 5 months of apprenticeship training). We also included the annual Youth Football tournament for all 16 villages to make it more fun and encourage participation in YAM. In addition a further 40 Girls plus 26 Youth with Disabilities participated in the short courses 15 days PFP Forestry training in Mafinga. Last year FCWC YAM funded 50 Girls to participate. So we have almost doubled the project plan requirement for girls to receive this training

Both the Sewing school and Carpentry School are equipped and up and running though inevitably we will face teething problems. The sewing graduates’ skills were sufficient to dress Geoff and Vicky Fox plus Laura & Nathalie from Deaconess who were all present in their new attire for the occasion!

Probably our biggest challenge for 2024 will be getting Youth with Disabilities placed with Employers. We succeeded with the first 3 Youth with Disabilities with the PFP Forestry project in Mafinga but we still have a long way to go. Mufindi Tea Company have shown a lot of interest but not so far Liptons (formerly Brooke Bond, Unilever and then Eketerra) as they only recently took over so the decision making has not been delegated to those in Mufindi.

Disability Rehabilitation: Perhaps the biggest achievement of all by YAM to date is the assessment of a number of children and youths with Disabilities with subsequent treatment and rehabilitation at INUKA and beyond where referral was required in Mbeya, Iringa, and Moshi.

1st Cohort, 20th March 2023 for three weeks, 25 children and 36 youths with disabilities attended rehabilitation and treatment at INUKA. They included 11 youngsters with disabilities who were referred to Mbeya and KCMC (Moshi) hospitals for specialist treatment
2nd Cohort, 10th to 23rd July 2023, 11 children + 42 youths attended rehabilitation for 2 weeks. 11 were required to return to INUKA again.
3rd Cohort. 5th to 18th December2023, 21 children and 3 youths with disabilities attended rehabilitation for 2 weeks. The total 24 is of the 47 identified needing treatment. Of these 24 there were 10 new patients and 14 who received follow up treatment at INUKA hospital.
With all of these three cohorts many of them were provided with supportive devices including wheelchairs, toilet seats, stand and corner chairs, standing frames and walking frames in addition to medication and other treatments.


Piglet distribution: The first 2 cohorts of 180 young beneficiaries received 360 piglets (2 piglets per beneficiary) plus piglet vaccination and starter food during the last couple of years with this continued for the 3rd Cohort of 100 beneficiaries this year immediately after their Agricultural training. Unfortunately 15 piglets died so only 185 piglets were distributed to this latest cohort. (total so far 545 piglets). We aim that this project will, to some extent, revolve to help purchase other livestock, equipment and inputs for beneficiaries. 

Annual Event: also a highlight was held in September, this time to help break down barriers faced by People with Disabilities (our previous events tackled HIV awareness/stigma and the problem of Teenage pregnancies) and the event coincided with the opening/handing over of the Igoda Village Clinic so the turn out for the combined event was huge. Guests of honour were the District Council Chairman, Festo Mgina & District CCM Chairman, George Kavenuke leading a District delegation of 8 DED representatives, 11 Mufindi District ward councillors (not just our 3 wards), and all the 16 villages were represented including village chairmen (past and present), VEOs, WEOs, 8 Primary and Secondary school headmasters and of course FCWC trustees (Mona-Liza Lottering, Nico Fox, Geoff and Vicky). Nico, Zilipa, and Adam (Luhunga ward councillor) introduced FCWC and its achievements. We surprised ourselves at FCWC as to how much has been achieved over the decades. Peter Fox was present to hand over the Igoda Clinic having overseen it’s construction! Also our partners TAPCAP, Uni of Iringa, INUKA hospital, Along with 159 VCPCs and 441 young people/beneficiaries. Geoff and Vicky Fox were presented with Certificates of Appreciation from Igoda village and the District for this and many other clinics, HIV/Aids Care/Treatment clinic, Mdabulo hospital renovation, libraries, school classrooms, girls hostel for Luhunga Secondary school, doctors & teachers accommodation etc., funded by many sponsors, and Vicky was gifted a goat that was immediately christened Yvo in recognition of his support for the Igoda Clinic!

Improving Lives and Livelihoods: Step by step we are moving in the right direction and FCWC is having a huge impact in improving lives and livelihoods in Mufindi District in so many respects, with HIV/Aids testing, Counselling/Treatment Clinic at Mdabulo and renovation of Mdabulo hospital, Clinics in Ibwanzi, Chogo, Lulanda & Igoda and numerous other examples of tangible support, but also the less tangible support such as Mona-Liza keeping an eye on the ICV and filing returns to ensure we don’t fall foul of TRA, Nico assisting with HR and liaising with authorities, the Deaconess Foundation, Helmi Neuvonen, and Mufindi Friends in Finland: Riitta, Dr Leena & her team of HBCs, Johannes coordination of donors with expenditure and fundraising support especially from the Berglar Foundation who have been a mainstay for FCWC, Merck Family, Mufindin Ystävät, Yvo Vanderlinen, Sam Sofya, St Pius 10th Church, local churches in Mufindi, numerous individual donors, visitors with donations of consumer items, Marion’s infinite energy fundraising via OITW in the UK and also the other OITW trustees education sponsorship, INUKA hospital rehab, skills’ training, Chris with the Mufindi rainforest protection, Hans, Mona-Liza, and Peter with installing the Hydro funded by the substantial generosity of the Merck Family Foundation etc., etc. the list goes on and on…..) which is something everyone from all the supporting donors to those on the ground at FCWC should be proud of!

Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation has now been running for almost 20 years!
Thank you, Bruce Fox
(FCWC & OITW Trustee)

VCPC – Village Protection Children’s Committee; PFP – Private Forestry Programme ); CCM – Chama Cha Mapinduzi – Dominant Ruling Party; DED – District Executive Officer; VEO – Village Executive Officer and WEO – Ward Executive Officer.





It is with great appreciation and thanks for for following fundraising efforts, their donations will certainly make a great difference.

Richard Kerswell continued to sail around Ireland raising funds for the children at the ICV since our last newsletter and completed his efforts on the 15th October. He started sailing on the 26th April leaving Penzance, over the Irish sea to Waterford and around Ireland anticlockwise, clocking up 1706 nm £836 so far. He has met amazing supportive people; battled some very rough seas; had torrential rain and very high winds but also glorious sunny days too; seen some wonderful sea life and beautiful scenery. The donation page is still open for donations.  https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/donation/peggys-coronation-cruise

Mark Brunsdon and his team, on the 16th September, rowed in the London Marathon’s Great River Race which is 21.6 miles up the Thames from Millwall in the east to Richmond in the west. He rowed with Tamar and Tavy Gig Rowing Clubs finishing 36 out of 212 boats; 10th out of 49 gigs raising £306.25 for the children. https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/mark-s-rowing-challenge

Lillie Hyde-Parker is also raising funds for the children by running 10k in cherished memory of Sophie Hyde-Parker who volunteered at the Children’s Village, shown, who loved her time with them as they did hers. Lillie’s run is at the end of November. So far she has raised £726.50. if you would like to support her efforts, please click on this link.   https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/i-am-fundraising-for-orphans-in-the-wild-

*CELEBRATION AT IGODAOn the 6th September, with great excitement, the keys to the new ward extension of the Igoda Health Clinic were officially handed over to the Igoda Village officials in the presence of Geoff and Vicky Fox, as guests of honour, and celebrated with the Mufindi District Chairman, other dignitaries, staff and villagers, at the same time the Chairman praised the efforts made by the Yam Project that is making a difference to vulnerable youth in the area. Two Certificates of Appreciation were given to Geoff and Vicky for all their support, help and efforts since 2005, they were also presented with a goat.

The building of the Igoda ward extension and furniture were made possible by the extremely generous sponsors, Yvo and Hilda from Belgium, which, without their help, would not have been possible.

The YAM (Youth Agency Mufindi), funded by the Helsinki Deaconess Foundation Institute (HDI) of Finland, is designed to support disadvantaged and vulnerable youth to solve life issues enabling them to lead dignified lives and to help take control of their lives through improved motivation, skills and opportunities”
*https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10158979851456157&set=a.101506102989361577  *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJjNPheh-P4  


Congratulations to Ellia, Edwin, Kastory, Kaisa and Fanual  on their School Graduation on 19th Oct 2023.     


Helmi has been volunteering for three months at the ICV and is being exceptionally helpful. Mostly she has been working in the YAM project. At the moment, the whole project team are currently trying to find employers who would be willing to employ the youths who have disabilities in this project, visiting some companies in the nearby villages and Mafinga for discussions. She has also been helping some younger children with their evening studies, assisting the teacher in the classroom with mathematics and writing English and Swahili. She has designed a new trifold leaflet for FCWC (FoxesNGO) and for future skills, she is showing children how to knit and crochet. She will certainly be sorely missed and wish her well with her Bachelor’s degree.

Also Ella Hirsiaho, Finnish volunteer, arrived for 10 days, bringing with her a full car load of items for the ICV,  Ella came with her usual, generosity, exuberance and organised lots of games and fun the for children. She has returned now and will be sorely missed. 

Dr Leena Pasanena much loved volunteer medical doctor who has been going to the ICV for many years, has also just arrived in Mufindi and was welcomed with open arms. She will be visiting for three months, assessing medical needs, visiting those in need in outreach and meeting old friends.

Thank you

To those who are running events, raising funds for the children,
your continuing support also those who donate on a regular basis, the Igoda Children’s Village wouldn’t be there without you, we really appreciate it

Do visit our Facebook page for regular news updates
