Amenities – Water & Electricity

2015: Amenities- Water and Electricity

From the FCWCT Archives:

The Cheeky Twins!

“In the beginning of December 2015, Tom Conway, retired mal-practice lawyer, and Dr. Bill Smock, Louisville Police Surgeon, arrived to see Mufindi in all its pre-Christmas glory! Over the past two years, Kentucky has become the new capital for US charitable giving to Foxes’ NGO after unprecedented donations came pouring forward from the generous heart of Mr. Conway. His donations gave enabled the Children’s Village something it has never seen– full-time electricity and a working water system. Mr. Conway and Dr. Smock arrived just in time to see the electrical poles rose up and the first switches flipped! During this trip, Mr. Conway visited the Children’s Village, had dinner with the steering committee Kamati Kuu, and attended the Kindergarten Graduation! Mr. and Mrs. Fox gave Mr. Conway a full Mufindi tour, showing him the many beautiful corners of our home.

At the culmination of the trip, our friends from Kentucky showed once again that this project means more to them than they could ever express. Mr. Conway pledged and delivered on a promise to solve the NGO’s biggest challenge– transport! With no transport vehicles of our own, the NGO has been paying hand over fist to bring children to school each day. Mr. Conway’s gift has enabled one Toyota Hiace to be purchased, with another one on the way! This will enable the NGO to transport its 30+ students each day to school and help in visiting the many projects and programs being carried out in the village. We can’t express our gratitude enough to this kind man and our many friends that made this all possible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


Every Children’s Village house is connected to full-time electricity, including the office, volunteer houses, the on-site Kindergarten and Pre-school, and the Vocational Training Centre. Access to electricity in particular has revolutionised the work of the NGO. Students are now able to study into evening hours, crying babies can be comforted at night without the use of a solar flashlight, and water pumps that are able to deliver water to every home, saving hours of labour for our dedicated House Mothers!

#10yearsofservice #10daysofaction #10years10days #FCWCT

Our goal is to secure monthly sponsors for each of the 10 projects we are highlighting over this 10 day countdown to our #10yearanniversary!

Just $100 (£87) month provides electricity to the entire Children’s Village, which in turn provides running water to every Children’s Village home.
Click on the links below and become monthly sponsors!




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