The FCWC NGO Mufindi Team

The Mufindi Office Team:

Zilipa Mgeni –  FCWC Manager +YAM Project Manager

Uzia Milwa -FCWC Health & Welfare Officer

Fausta Fwila -FCWC Accountant and cashier for YAM Project


Bariki Chelulye-  Part time FCWC Accountant and YAM Project Accountant


We have a dedicated and caring local Tanzanian team who look after all the Children’s Village, not only those in the office; there are – two House Mamas in each of the 6 houses;  a medical clinic nurse; the nursery and kindergarten teachers;  together with who work in agriculture,  livestock; maintenance and drivers

Patricia Marion Gough MBE


Marion lived in Tanzania from 1949 until 1963. In 2006, Marion returned to show family where she grew up and during that trip visited Mufindi where she met Geoff Fox MBE, founder of Foxes Community & Wildlife Conservation Trust. Geoff highlighted the needs of the area due to an increasing HIV epidemic which was causing numerous orphans and destitution for the population. Marion and family were shown around two projects Geoff had undertaken to help support the local area. At this point, September 2006, foundations of the first orphan houses were underway and the local Mdabulo Hospital, which was in dire straights and barely functional, was targeted for improvement. It was clear that to make any impact funding and equipment was needed, then, now and in the future.

When Orphans in the Wild was founded in the UK by Geoff Fox’s son, Bruce and daughter-in-law Jane, Marion became one of the four trustees. Since day one of its inception Marion has continued to enthusiastically and tirelessly volunteer to raise money and send hundreds of items, via containers, for the many projects involved in the ongoing holistic support of the Mufindi community, regularly visiting Mufindi herself. Marion was honoured in the 2014 Diplomatic Service and Overseas List.

“Mrs (Patricia) Marion GOUGH. Trustee, Orphans in the Wild. For services to the victims of AIDS, particularly children, in Tanzania”

Jenny Peck & Geoff Knight








Jenny Peck and Geoff Knight have served in humanitarian sectors for eight years in Africa, the last six of which have been in Mufindi teaching, guiding, implementing and working with their Tanzanian counterparts to establish community development projects within the project area. Jenny holds a B.S. in math from the University of Kansas and is currently working on a MPH in Maternal and Child Health from University of Minnesota. Geoff has a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Kansas.

Bruce & Jane Fox

Bruce Fox – Trustee

Bruce Fox was born in Tanzania in 1967 and apart from schooling, lived in Mufindi until 2000.  Bruce is a trustee and founding member of Foxes Community and Wildlife Trust, wanting to create a grass roots organization to help the families of the people that he grew up with. He now lives in England with annual visits to Mufindi, which he still considers home.

Jane Fox – Trustee

Jane Fox set up Orphans in the Wild in order to better support  the projects operated by NGO Foxes Community and Wildlife Trust.  She lived in Tanzania for 10 years and now back in England, volunteers as Treasurer.